Take the City Away #6: Athene


Meet Red Loft chef Gorgio

Voor onze vierde Take the City Away nam onze eigen Red Loft chef Gorgio ons mee naar de smaken van zijn geboorteland Griekenland.

Meet de man achter al dat lekkers!

Kan u zichzelf eens voorstellen in 3 zinnen?

Hey! My name Georgios, my friends call me Georgie. I come from a small but beautiful city in the mainland of Greece called Trikala . I  am here because the destiny led me to become a cook.

Wie inspireert u?

Of course as everyone I am inspired  and influenced by mama ! Also by memories of the village Sundays with my family and the grandma cooking .  And of course from some greats chefs, I love the Anthony Bourdain shows!!


Stel dat je een diner mag organiseren met eender wie? Wie zou je uitnodigen en waarom?

I love BBQ and meze. The first thing that comes to mind is to organise a nice bbq or meze with my close friends and family. But, the thing I would love the most is to have one last meal with my grandfather again.

Wat betekent de kleur rood voor u?

Red is the Color of blood, the Color of passion something that you can find a lot of in Mediterranean cultures. Also the Color of tomato, the most used ingredient of Mediterranean cuisine!


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